

 國立屏北高級中學公共藝術  NATIONAL PINGBEI SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL ART PUBLIC~ Taiwan / Pingtung / 2005.02~2005.06

屏東縣之屏北地區(里港、九如、鹽埔、高樹、長治、麟洛),地處教育資源失衡及文化藝術活動邊緣的地方,因此設置屏北高中 及其整體校園藝術規劃,營造城鄉文化與地方社區互動之重鎮,落實學習與現實環境的參照驗證,強化邊緣文化逆轉邏輯的〝前鋒〞精神及塑造多元化教案的活潑氣 息,正是屏北高中創校地緣折衝所在的精神,而公共藝術的設置,期許以原鄉質樸踏實的立足點,成為屏東立意紮根本土、展望未來之地標。

作品名稱(Title): 巨足Giant Foot
作者(Artist):傅慶豊 ALIXE FU
作品尺寸(Size): 450x 300×700 cm.
材質(Material): 塑鋼、壓克力顏料、LED太陽能地燈 / F.R.P、Lasceaux Acrylic、LED
年代(Date):June 2005

說明(Description): 「巨足」以「人」字形的簡練線條呈現造型。作品前半部的「赤腳」,沉穩的展現於基部,意指「深耕本土」,表達屏東本土胼手胝足的拓荒精神。作品後腳跟部分 自地面抽離騰空而抽象化,融於校園空間之中,意指「展望未來」。具象與抽象之間,隱喻「指天化地」、「天人合一」的平和境界。

“Giant Foot" was formed in the same shape with the Chinese character “jen." Its forward foot “Bare Foot" stands firm on the base, means “deep developing our hometown," and represents the spirit of strenuous but perseverant wasteland-reclaiming. The heel of the other foot was abstracted by leaving the ground skyward and integrated into the school campus, meaning “looking into the future." The peaceful undertone is embedded in the interaction of the concrete and the abstract.